Welcome to the home of the 26th Regiment North Carolina Troops past and present. We hope that you will take the time to review the pages of this site to learn more of the gallant men of the original regiment as well as the endeavors of the modern day Reactivated 26th NC reenacting unit.
The 26th North Carolina was the largest regiment in the Army of Northern Virginia and one of North Carolina’s most famous units. The 26th NC served with distinction throughout the war from the coastal plains of North Carolina, to the defense of Richmond, to the invasion into Pennsylvania, throughout the siege of Petersburg, and finally at Appomattox Court House. The regiment would find its way into the epic tale of the battle of Gettysburg after its climatic clash with the Iron Brigade on the first day of that battle as well as its tenacity in pushing to the forefront in the Pettigrew-Pickett-Trimble assault. The memory of this regiment and the story of Confederate soldier from North Carolina is what we are all about.
Since 1981 the “Society for the Historical Preservation of the 26th Regiment North Carolina Troops” has grown from humble beginning into the largest single re-enactment unit in the state of North Carolina and one of the largest in the nation. With over 175 members in all regions of the state, from the coast to the mountains as well as members in other states and even a few in other countries, the 26th NC "Reactivated" has much to offer. We have many facets as a unit including components representing not only infantry but also field music, medical, and civilians.
Anyone interested in preserving the history of the 26th NC and North Carolina’s pivotal role in the Confederacy is encouraged to become a member of our organization either as a military member or as a supporting member. Help us remember the over 36,000 North Carolinians who gave their lives for their state, their homes, and their beliefs.

Our Regiment has a long and proud history of taking the lead in many facets of historical preservation. Follow the link to the right for more information about this integral part of our organization...