The 26th NC recently completed the fund-raising for its eigth such banner and, has begun work on its next preservation project, the 1862 Headquarters Flag of General Lawrence O'Bryan Branch. This flag is the first pattern of the Confederate National Flag with the words "Gen. L. O B. Branch - 1862 - NC" embroidered on the canton. It was Left behind in Winchester Virginia during the retreat of the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia from the Maryland Campaign and after Branch's death at Sharpsburg. The flag was returned to the State of North Carolina and the Hall of History on September 21, 1920.
Partnership with North Carolina Museum of History
The Society for the Historical Preservation of the 26th Regiment North Carolina Troops, Inc. & The North Carolina Museum of History have entered into a unique partnership to save North Carolina's Civil War Artifacts. From its inception, the mission of the 26th NCT has been to perpetuate the history of the original 26th NCT and the State of North Carolina's role in the American Civil War. We have always held to the belief that it is of the utmost importance that we preserve our ancestors' artifacts and monuments for future generations of North Carolinians.
In pursuit of this goal the 26th NCT can list the following accomplishments:
Responsible for the restoration of the NC Memorial at Gettysburg
Through our partnership with the North Carolina Museum of History, we have raised the funds to restore battle flags belonging to the following regiments: 1st NCST, 16th NC, 22nd NC, 33rd NC, 26th NC, 47th NC, 52nd NC and the 58th NC
Published numerous letter collections and unpublished
images of North Carolina soldiers in our historical magazine,
Company Front (began publishing in 1987)
Raised the funds to place a monument to the 26th NC at the New Bern Battlefield
Raised the funds necessary to bring home to the NCMOH, the following items from the Museum of the Confederacy: a) the 26th NC’s Gettysburg flag, b) the battle flag of the 37th NC and c) the coat, sword and swordbelt of Major General Bryan Grimes
Raised the funds to assist the Civil War Preservation Trust with the purchase of land associated with the first day’s fight at Gettysburg
Raised the funds to purchase thirty-four lettersofthe Sherriff R. B. Paschall 26th NC letter collection
Established the “Society for the Historical Preservation of the 26th NC Special Collection” at the NCMOH andState Archives
Raised the funds for the professional conservation of the monument to Zebulon Baird Vance in Asheville, NC
Since 2004, the Regiment has raised $234,154 for historical preservation, battlefield preservation, artifactloans and monument placement.
The North Carolina Museum of History
(NCMOH) holds an impressive collection of North Carolina Civil War
flags and uniforms. Many of these artifacts need extensive conservation
before they can be exhibited. Textile conservation is a time consuming,
specialized, and expensive task, as hundreds of hours are needed
to stabilize just one flag or uniform. With State funding not available
to restore these artifacts, it is imperative that we all step up
to help. Help Preserve North Carolina's Civil
War History.
You or your organization can help save North Carolina's Civil War heritage by supporting the museum's conservation work. Please mail your check, payable to the North Carolina Museum of History Foundation and mail to the address listed below. Please indicate that your donation is for the "26th NCT Partnership," which is a restricted account meaning that all money so marked will only go towards the 26th NC's current conservation project. The Museum of History Foundation is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization, and gifts are fully tax deductible. Please mail your donation to:
Mr. Jim Huebler,
Budget Officer
N.C. Museum of History Foundation
5 East Edenton St.
Raleigh, NC 27601-1011
Please note, that one hundred percent (100%) of all donations will go towards the conservation project. Once this project is completed a special ceremony re-dedicating the Headquarters Flag of General Branch will be held at the NC Museum of History. All who donated to the project will be notified of the date and time so that you may be a part of this special day.