Fellow Carolina Legion Reenactors
Battery D (Reilly's Battery) 10th N.C.S.T. (1st N.C. Artillery) - Attached to the 26th NC
Tar Heel Rangers Cavalry - Attached to the 26th NC
The Carolina Fifes & Drums - Field music of the Carolina Legion
Federal City Brass Band - Recreated 26th NC Brass Band
Carolina Legion - The Legion's web site
Friends and Partners
Research and Resources
National Archives Civil War Resources
Library of Congress: Civil War Treasures from the New York Historical Society
Library of Congress: Civil War Maps
Library of Congress: Hotchkiss Civil War Maps
Library of Congress: Matthew Brady Photograph Collection
Civil War Soldier's and Sailor's System
UNC Library: Documenting the American South
Official Records of the War of the Rebellion Online
Civil War Field Fortifications
North Carolina in the Civil War
Brenda Chambers McKean Book Collection
Sights and Sounds
Bugle Calls - from Military Analysis Network. A good site about modern Bugle calls, including links.
Library of Congress - hundreds of photographs indexed alphabetically and by topic.
Field Music of the Carolina Legion - The Fifes & Drums of the Old North State.
26th North Carolina Regimental Band (re-created) - The Federal City Brass Band is an organization that recreates band music from the civil war, to include that of the 26th's own Regimental Band. Check out their performance schedule also.
Gettysburg National Military Park Online Exhibit: Camp Life
Manuals and Drills
Manual of Arms videos: 122nd New York Infantry
The American Battlefield Protection Program
Museums and Battlefields
Bennett Place: North Carolina Historic Site
Bentonville Battlefield: North Carolina Historic Site
Fort Fisher: North Carolina Historic Site
Gettysburg National Military Park
North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources
North Carolina Museum of History
North Carolina Office of Archives and History
North Carolina Civil War Sesquicentennial CommitteeNational Museum of Civil War Medicine
National Museum of the Civil War Soldier and Pamplin Park
Discussion Boards and Periodicals
Recommended Sutlers
Authentic Equipment Links Vendor List - a recommended list of vendors that sell high quality equipment - from the 26th NCT SOP.