Today the 26th North Carolina Regiment, Reactivated has nearly 300 military, Society (supporting) and Soldiers' Benevolent Society members primarily in North Carolina, but also in many U.S. states and in Australia. We participate in reenactments and living histories all over the southeast (as Confederates and Federals), including events at National Parks like Gettysburg and Appomattox. The 26th N.C. has reenacted as far west as Perryville, Ky and as far north as Elmira, N.Y. Most events are in the two Carolinas, Virginia, and Pennsylvania with forays into other southeastern states. We participate in about 10-12 events per year. Membership includes a three-times-a-year magazine called The Company Front, that focuses on rarely or never before published accounts of The War Between The States by Tar Heels; regular newsletter The Rebel Boast, listing regimental news, reenactments, living histories and other activities; and this website that is expanding its focus on the history of the regiment, reenacting authenticity, safety on the field, period eating and other subjects.
Organizational Dues:
Military (reenacting members): $30 per year
Society (Supporting Members): $2o per year
Soldiers Benevolent Society (civilian impressions): $20 per year
Membership in the 26th NCT is tax deductible as the regiment is a 501-(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to educating the public about The War Between The States. All equipment purchases, travel expenses AND donations are deductible if you itemize your taxes. (Please note that we are a historical interpretation organization and do not accept any members of racist or hate groups, nor those who advocate overthrow of the United States government.)
To contact us about joining the 26th NC Regiment, please fill out the form below:
The mission of the Society for the Historical Preservation of the 26th Regiment North Carolina Troops is to accurately, positively and publicly portray, recreate, record, commemorate and memorialize the lives of North Carolina soldiers and civilians during the period of the American Civil War; especially with respect to their environment, appearance, morals, ethics, values, conduct, actions, skills, and accomplishments. We will work and cooperate to educate ourselves, our members, and the public as to the political, religious, cultural, economic, and military values, realities, attitudes and events of that time and place. We will teach by word and example in schools, at state and national historic sites, and elsewhere. We will make every effort to support the preservation of the surviving material culture of the Civil War period as well as the lands, places and structures that played a role in that historic time.